Curriculum – Our Student Experience
Our curriculum is taught to be remembered, not merely encountered.
Our classroom experiences are designed to help students recall their learning. It is underpinned throughout by effective retrieval practice. Students methodically revisit prior learning at appropriate intervals so that it becomes more deeply embedded.
We recognise Literacy as the bedrock of learning. When reading and writing skills are strong, understanding and communication is easier. Every student who understands and can communicate our curriculum will have every chance of having a better life. We look to foster a positive reading culture, including through our Read Aloud initiative, and subject specific & central libraries.
The Hunsley Way underpins behaviours and attitudes to learning.
Click here to see the curriculum for this term for Year 7
Click here to see the curriculum for this term for Year 8
Click here to see the curriculum for this term for Year 9
Click here to see the curriculum for this term for Year 10
Click here to see the curriculum for this term for Year 11
Students can also access the school Library Catalogue, where they can search for books and resources.
A broad and balanced curriculum, sequenced to develop powerful knowledge and skills.
– English
– Maths
– Science
– Physical Education
– Modern Foreign Languages
– Community and Personal Studies
– Art and Technology
– Geography
– History
– Religious Studies
– Drama
– Music
– Computing
A broad and balanced curriculum, sequenced to develop powerful knowledge and skills.
– English
– Maths
– Science
– Physical Education
– Community and Personal Studies
– Religious Studies
– Art and Design
– Art and Design: Photography
– Business
– Cambridge National Engineering
– Food Preparation and Nutrition
– Textile Design
– Design and Technology
– Cambridge National Child Development
– Drama
– Geography
– History
– Religious Studies
– BTEC Digital Information Technology
– Computer Science
– Media Studies
– Modern Foreign Languages
– Music
– Cambridge National Sport
– Dance
– Further Maths
– ICDL in IT
We have developed a GCSE Preparation Guide for students and parents to support them in their exams. The purpose of the guide is to provide all the information you need in one easy reference document. In doing so, we hope to remove some of the stresses or anxieties that naturally come to the fore for everyone at this time of Year 11.
If you were unable to attend our GCSE Support Evening in October 2024, you can access the slides here as well as our KS4 Exam Information Booklet which includes a host of useful information for ways that parents/carers can support their child during their GCSEs.
If you have any enquiries regarding our approach to the curriculum, or require any more information, please contact our Deputy Head of School, Barry Gray at
To see the school’s Accessibility Plan, click here.
Our curriculum is designed and sequenced to support our school values.

We want our students to enjoy learning, and to know that in learning our curriculum, they will have every chance of being successful in life, through the accumulation of powerful and diverse knowledge and skills.
Our curriculum recognises and secures prior learning, using deliberate sequencing to develop deep knowledge, skills and understanding. It is designed and delivered by subject specialists who promote a love of learning and inspire students to want to know more about their subjects than can be taught in school. Our curriculum encompasses all aspects of the National Curriculum, but is designed to provide students with a much wider range of rich learning experiences both within, and beyond the classroom. We offer a comprehensive personal development programme and a rich co-curricular offer.

Learning is rarely linear, but with dedication, we believe all students can realise their limitless potential. We challenge our students and champion their achievements through each of our key stages.
We offer genuine breadth in terms of subject areas students can choose from, with high quality and facilitating subjects offered throughout the disciplines. Our core subjects are the pillars that support understanding, skills and success. Our foundation subjects provide students with the wider knowledge needed to support our future communities. We actively encourage all students to embrace foreign languages alongside study of the humanities. To support our students to achieve their limitless potential we offer an array of additional enrichment opportunities including our renowned Industry-Led Curriculum, our Aspire Medical Pathway, Sports Leadership, Further Maths and ICDL.

We belong to a family, school, local, national and international community. The success of a community is measured by the compassionate actions of its members. Our students learn about their local and global communities and they learn to understand and appreciate the many influences on modern society. They have the opportunity to contribute towards, and enact, positive change in many ways, including through our Student Union, EcoHunsley and Changemakers group.