Home ยป DofE Participants Collectively Volunteer Over 800 Hours

DofE Participants Collectively Volunteer Over 800 Hours

In a remarkable display of dedication and community spirit, students from the Duke of Edinburgh Award program have collectively volunteered over 830 hours to a range of activities, including expeditions and charity fundraising, in their local communities.

These young individuals have demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact, leaving a lasting impression on those they have served.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award, a prestigious youth development program founded by Prince Philip, the late Duke of Edinburgh, has been inspiring and empowering young people for decades. Participants undertake a series of challenges and activities across different categories, including volunteering, physical fitness, skills development, and adventurous expeditions. The volunteering component encourages students to actively engage with their communities, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy.

Among the diverse group of Duke of Edinburgh students, a number have dedicated themselves to giving back to their local communities. Over the past year, these enthusiastic volunteers have selflessly devoted their time and energy to a range of initiatives, such as charity fundraising, animal care, transcribing historical documents, sending Christmas cards to elderly neighbours during Covid and much more.

One notable area where these students have excelled is in expeditions. Students have embarked on challenging journeys, most recently from Skidby Mill to South Hunsley with stops on the way at Raywell and Welton Dale.

Well done to all DofE students for their outstanding contributions and selfless dedication to improving their local communities.


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