The South Hunsley Careers Programme is designed to meet the needs of all our students.
Young people are faced with a complex set of demands when preparing for their future careers. South Hunsley aims to ensure that students are self-confident, skilled and career-ready. This is achieved through a comprehensive programme of activities to help them choose pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives. Our programme starts in Year 7 through Year 13, and is based on the nationally recognised Gatsby Benchmarks.
The programme follows the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance which are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
We review all our activity throughout the year on Compass + which reviews and ensures we are follow all eight of Gatsby benchmarks to the highest standard.

Secondary Careers Education Programme
A summary of our Secondary Careers Education Programme offered to all students in all year groups is outlined below. This programme is supported by assemblies, tutor activities, class-based exercises and a range of other scheduled activities all designed to ensure students are best prepared for their futures.
Year 12 – 13 Careers Programme
All guidance related documents are reviewed annually and updated following any changes. All policies are reviewed as per the statutory dates detailed on each policy.
To contact Barry Gray (Deputy Headteacher & Careers Leader) please use the following contact details: or 01482 631208
To contact Kerry Hampson (Career Guidance Lead) please use the following email:
Student Support with Careers
Start will help students to connect with their future career potential, develop their employability and help them to explore future career and study options at school or at home. Parents can also use Start to find out more about jobs, training and study opportunities for themselves. Full details of how to register can be found here.
As part of our careers programme, here are just a few of the activities our pupils will have access to:
• Independent careers advice – All of our students have access to an independent careers adviser throughout the year. All Year 11 students will have a compulsory meeting to discuss all options available to them after Year 11.
• Careers assemblies – We highlight key trends in the local labour market and ensure we link our assemblies to areas our students are most interested in. This year our assembly will focus on green careers.
• Careers champions – we have careers champions across all subject areas who are passionate about giving advice, tops and have the expert knowledge to help you in your choose career.
• Careers Day
• We participate in National Apprenticeship Week, National Careers Week and Green Careers Week.
• Open Evening for students and parents to support with key decisions such as Year 9 Options Evening and Year 11 Careers Evening.
• Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students all have a dedicated Microsoft teams pages allowing them access to up to date LMI, external provider information, key deadlines, support and advice throughout the year.
Whether you’re deciding what to study, planning your career, preparing for an interview, or just curious, we have a careers Sharepoint site which all of our students have access to. Click here to find out more, please note you will be asked to log in using your South Hunsley email address and password.
Useful Links for Students
National Careers Service
BBC Bitesize Careers
LMI for All; LMI Humber
Local Sector Profiles
ASK Apprenticehips
New National Minimum Wage Rates
Student CV Template
Student CV Layout Guide
Hobbies & Interests to include on a CV
CV Writing Guide
Information on T Levels – This is the government’s guidance on all education and training options available to pupils. A T Level is a nationally-recognised qualification for 16-19 year olds.
National Careers Service – Education and Training Choices
Parent Support with Careers
Beyond this, are a number of ways you can support young people in their early career search:
• Attend parent’s information evenings in Year 9 and 11 so that you understand the next steps and opportunities available to your child.
• Encourage them to explore the different options available at 14, 16 and 18 such as apprenticeships, college, sixth form, degree apprenticeships or university.
• Encourage your child to consider which of their subjects they enjoy, and how this might link to future careers.
• Discuss their next steps with them – guide them to make realistic and aspirational choices.
• Help dispel common misconceptions of the workplace. For example, that certain jobs are for men or women, that apprenticeships are only for practical vocations like engineering, or that pupils need to wait until they start looking for work before they gain experience of the wider world of work.
• Help them explore the jobs and training opportunities that are available locally, either through START or through the ‘Find an apprenticeship’ section of the government website.
• Encourage your child to use local Labour Market Information to support their career choices. You will find a link to the LMI Humber website below.
• Encourage them to develop their skills and qualities by participating in extra-curricular activities (personal development)
• Encourage them to attend school, be punctual and wear the correct uniform – this is preparing them for the workplace
If you need additional support with your career, have questions about the careers program, or would like to provide feedback, please feel free to email the careers team at
Useful Links for Parents and Teachers
LMI for All
LMI Humber
Local Sector Profiles
UCAS: Parent information
Amazing Apprenticeships: Parent pack
What are T Levels?
New National Minimum Wage Rates
A Parents’ Toolkit for Career Conversations
Information for Employers
• The Careers fairs – further education, apprenticeship and job providers are welcome to participate in our events. This year we are hosting an Apprenticeship fair in November and a Careers fair in March.
• Work experience – we will always welcome work experience placement opportunities from employers so if you think that you can help.
• Assemblies or lesson talks – if you feel that you can help with our assemblies or would like to give a talk to students in lessons, please contact us and will we work in conjunction to do our best to make this a reality
• Mentoring – should you feel that you can offer regular support to some of our students, please contact us as this is a very rewarding experience for both the mentor and mentee.
Any provider wishing to contact the school should see the Provider Access Process. If you feel your organisation can support students in planning their future careers, please contact
If you think you could contribute to our Careers programme, would like to be a part of the Employer Led programme, or are interested in joining our Alumni register please contact Mr B Gray.