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Year 6 Transition

We all wish to see your children happily settled in their new school and we provide a range of support throughout Year 6 to make the move to secondary school as easy as possible. The teaching staff in all of the schools of the South Hunsley Partnership work with parents and children in order to effect this smooth transition.

Autumn Term of Year 6

There is a chance to look round South Hunsley at our Open Evening, this is prior to the closing date for secondary school applications.  On this evening, there is a presentation by the Head of School to give you the chance to hear about the school and its ethos.  You will also have the opportunity to meet some of the staff who will support your children during the transfer process and learn more about how the transfer process operates.

The Spring/Summer Term of Year 6

The Year 6 teacher talks to the children about their move to secondary school and completes a transfer form.  This indicates your child’s strengths, interests and abilities and is sent to the Head of House at South Hunsley.

The Transition Co-ordinator and Director of Learning Support at South Hunsley will visit each partnership primary school and as many out of catchment schools as possible.  During this visit they tell your child about the school and give the children the chance to ask questions.  

Your child will bring home admission forms which need completing and returning to South Hunsley, any out of catchment parents are contacted directly.

During the spring/summer term, and based upon the information we have about each child, the Transition Co-ordinator will organise the children into tutor groups.  These are mixed ability groups which usually contain at least one child known to your son or daughter from their primary school.

Later in the summer term your child will spend one day at South Hunsley and will meet their tutor and begin to learn the way around the site, go to one or two lessons and meet other children in the class.  All parents/carers are invited to visit South Hunsley, on the evening of the induction day.  This will allow you to meet your child’s Form Tutor, hear about the curriculum, talk about the school and meet the Head of School.

The First Term at South Hunsley School

On their first day, children will be met by their tutors and year staff.  There will be an opportunity to begin to make friends.  Your child will quickly get to know and be known by their tutor.  The frequent meetings of this group ensures that every child gets to know all the other members of the tutor group.

During the first term, there is a tutor evening during which you can meet the tutor and discuss how well your child is settling in.

Year 6 Handbook

Please click here to view our 2024 Year 6 Handbook