Our Sixth Form team are on hand to give you the support you need.
We can help you get to where you want to be. If you have any problems or queries, these are the people to see:
Student Support
Personal Tutor
At the beginning of Year 12 you will be assigned a Personal Tutor who will offer one to one academic mentoring and pastoral support to ensure your time at South Hunsley Sixth Form is happy and successful.
Your tutor will be available to discuss your progress and assessments in order to set you challenging but achievable targets, and will help ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your future.
Advice and Guidance
You will have access to professional advice and guidance throughout your time in the sixth form. Personal Development days and tutor time will be used to provide you with information on a range of important topics such as university and careers, and you will also receive advice and guidance from a number of experts and external visitors.
Financial Support
As a sixth form student you will have access to a range of financial support depending on your circumstances. All students can receive subsidised bus travel, ensuring a single journey to our sixth form will cost you no more than 75p. To take advantage of these rates you need to buy either a bus pass or bus tickets from our finance office.
You might also qualify for a bursary which helps those most in need with travel and equipment costs, or you could also apply for one off support payments.