
Monday: 08:40 – 15:20
Tuesday: 08:40 – 15:20
Wednesday: 08:40 – 15:20
Thursday: 08:40 – 15:20
Friday: 08:40 – 15:20
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Total hours per week: 32.5
Student Drop Off and Collection Procedure
If you are transporting your child to school, we ask that you do not block the front lay-by or the entrance to the main car park. We also ask that you do not park on East Dale Road.
The layby at the front of the school may be used for dropping off or quickly collecting students but is often particularly busy at 8.40am and 3.40pm.
Parents/carers should not use the main school car park at the front of the school or the bus park for student drop-off or collection. These facilities are reserved for staff, visitors and school buses and need to be accessible throughout the school day.
We encourage parents to drop off and collect students further away the school site to avoid risk of injury and to ease congestion. If this is unavoidable, when accessing the school from the Welton side please use the Lowfield Lane bus park. When coming in from the Swanland side, please use the D Ring main entrance.