Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to a pupil’s Head of Year in the first instance via email. Should you have any immediate concerns please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs M Trainor directly via telephone or email:

Oasis (Inclusion)
Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do.
We want all our pupils to have a love for learning but we realise that some pupils need this aspect of their school lives nurturing. We want all our pupils to reach their full potential but we know for some pupils practical help will be needed. We also want our pupils to recognise their individual talents and abilities and achieve their goals.
The Oasis Team comprises of a wide range of specialists who work together with parents and carers to help pupils achieve their best and feel included in all the opportunities on offer at South Hunsley.
The primary focus of the Oasis Team therefore, is to constantly review how we support our pupils and ask the most important question: what does this pupil or group of pupils need and how can we meet those needs?
The efforts of our Oasis Team have been recognised by Ofsted who praised the ‘high quality additional support and care’ provided to those pupils who might need some practical help or extra guidance to make sure they have every opportunity to grow and flourish as individuals.
We have a dedicated Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) team at the school, who can offer a range of support techniques for pupils who have additional needs.
Humber and East Yorkshire MIND
MIND support our school community through a range of activities, including:
High quality training and support for staff, in-person or virtual drop-in listening services for pupils, parents/carers and staff, weekly wellbeing workshops for pupils, termly workshops for parents, training programme for Student Wellbeing Ambassadors, 1:1 intensive programmes.
A MIND mental health practitioner is based in school 2 days per week.
To seek support or guidance from MIND directly for yourself or your child, please contact
Social Mediation and Self Help (SMASH)
The SMASH programme supports young people that have emotional and mental health difficulties and is an evidence based intervention that offers 1:1 support, therapeutic group work and family outreach. Core areas of the SMASH programme are self esteem, empathy, relationships, sense of belonging, trust, responsibility, choices, risk and safety.
Two SMASH practitioners are based in school 2 days per week.
Pupils are referred for this tailored support through our inclusion team. Please speak to your child’s Head of Year for more details.
Label of Love
Adam from Cottingham Church is available all day on a Wednesday for Label of Love – a 1-2-1 guidance or support session.
1-2-1 Mentoring Sessions
Pupils are offered 1-2-1 Mentoring Sessions, carried out by Head of Student Support Mr Mclocklan and Miss Bilton.
Inclusion Quality Mark
We currently hold the Inclusion Quality Mark Award as well as the higher level of Centre of Excellence; an accolade that fewer than 300 schools across the country hold. This recognises the truly inclusive nature of South Hunsley School.
The Inclusion Quality Mark Award has been awarded in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Useful Contacts
Mr Joe Mclocklan – Head of Student Support
Mrs Jayne Froggett – Inclusion Officer
Mrs Hui Dyer – ELSA
Free Period Products
Pupils and parents are able to order free discreetly packaged sanitary products from the school, available to collect from Reception. Please complete the online form and allow 24 hours for processing. Urgent items can be collected from Head of Year offices.
Social Networking
Given the increased use of social networking at this time Internet Matters have released a helpful guide to let you know what social networking sites your child is allowed to access dependent on their age. You can find out more here:
Staying Safe in Autumn
For safety reasons, bikes should all be equipped with lights and correctly fitted bicycle helmets worn at all times. Please use the designated school path and not the main road for access to the school.
Collection & Drop Off
We encourage parents to drop off and collect pupils further away the school site to avoid risk of injury and to ease congestion. If this is unavoidable, when accessing the school from the Welton side please use the Lowfield Lane bus park. When coming in from the Swanland side, please use the D Ring main entrance.
Staying Safe in Summer
Please see below some useful guidance and website links for parents to ensure that our pupils have an enjoyable and safe summer break.
Welton Waters
We are aware that some of our pupils have been visiting Welton Waters. Whilst we would strongly encourage pupils to ensure that they are following social distancing guidance and also are not entering the water, please see below links to the Welton Waters website and also open water swimming guidance for information:
Fire Related Incidents
Humberside Fire Service have asked us to share this poster for information relating to a recent increased in deliberate fires within East Riding of Yorkshire.
Drug Advice
If you have any concerns about drug use amongst young people, Talk to Frank is a very honest and occasionally blunt website full of useful information. Below is a link to their parent / carer information:
If at any point of time you are concerned about a young person, please use the contact details below to access support, or call 999 in an emergency.
Useful Links and Numbers (Online Mental Health support platform) (Information about online radicalisation) (General information about online safety) (Online safety guidance for parents) (Specific information about individual applications / websites) (Mental Health advice for parents) (Mental Health advice for students) (Information about keeping children safe from abuse during COVID-19) (Information about how COVID-19 may affect Autism) (Information about bereavement and loss during COVID-19) (Online Mental Health support platform)
Humber Young Peoples Urgent Mental Health 24/7 Helpline – 01482 301701 option 2.
Hull & East Yorkshire Mind Infoline is now available 24/7 – 0800 1380990 or 01482 240133.
HEY Mind need your help to shape the support they provide for parents during lockdown. If you can please spare a few minute of your time to fill in this short survey they’ve created:
Government advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm during Covid-19.
Early Help and Safeguarding Hub – 01482 395500
Place 2be has produced some helpful resources for students returning back to school. You can view them here.
Young Minds has produced a page for those students who were due to finish their time at school this year but had it cut short due to lockdown. You can view it here.