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Medicine Procedure

There are regulations regarding Medicines in a School Setting. Only certain medication is allowed to be carried by students whilst in school. By law parents must give written consent for their child to carry their own medication and to be given medication. Conditions such as allergy causing anaphylaxis, asthma and diabetes mean students may need to carry their own medication whilst at school; However unless it is deemed essential for their condition (e.g. the above and certain migraine medication) the student is not allowed to carry their own medication. It is the  parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that medication is handed into the main office staff. The medication should remain in school and not be returned home at the end of the day. Medication should be in date, it is NOT the school’s responsibility to notify parents if medication has gone out of date.

Parents will also be responsible for ensuring there is an adequate supply of medication for their child whilst at school. Any out of date medication should be collected by parents.

South Hunsley School will not administer medicines to your child unless you complete and sign the below form and return it to the school on or before the first day the medication must be administered at school.

Please note: Medicines must be in the original container dispensed by the pharmacy.

For more information, please read our Managing Medicines Policy.

Parental Agreement for Administration of Medicine Form