Date: Thursday 22nd September 2022
Time: 17:15
We are delighted to invite you to our School Open Evening on Thursday 22 September 2022. All our buildings will be open between 5:30pm and 8:00pm so you can see our subject facilities and meet the department staff. Many of the departments will also be demonstrating the resources at their disposal in the classroom and displaying the students’ work. Staff will also be available to answer any general queries you may have.
During the evening we will be holding a talk for Year 6 parents about moving up to South Hunsley School. This will take place in Riding Hall at 5:30pm and again at 6:30pm and 7:30pm. Please see below the allocated talk for your child’s primary school. Each talk will last approximately an hour. We hope you will also take advantage of the school being open and look round the site either before or after the talk. If you wish, you can participate in a brief guided tour to help you get an overview of our site.
- 5:30pm – Brough/North Ferriby/Hunsley Primary
- 6:30pm – Swanland/South Cave
- 7:30pm – Welton/Elloughton/North Cave
The main parking area available on the night will be the car park in the bus park which can be accessed via Lowfield Lane (see map on reverse side of this letter). Access to Riding Hall will be via the side entrance of the Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC).
The evening will hopefully serve a number of purposes:
- You will hear about the school and its ethos
- You will get the opportunity to meet many of our subject teachers and the transition team who will support your children during the transfer process
- You will get the chance to find out more about how the transfer process operates.