Schools receive Pupil Premium Grant funding on the basis of the number of students they have who are eligible for Free School Meals or are a Child in Care or a Service child.
This additional funding is used to pay for a tiered model of support that focuses on effective classroom teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies, planned by our Subject Directors and our Inclusion Team, with the aim of narrowing gaps in attainment and where necessary, to provide a holistic approach to meeting the needs of each of these students.
The school aims to ensure all students eligible for Pupil Premium Grant perform as well as non-disadvantaged students nationally. This is done through
- Regular reference to research published by the EEF (and similar organisations) in to effective strategies to support disadvantaged students
- Monitoring and evaluation and regular Inclusion Panel Meetings that review the unmet needs of our students and design effective interventions to address these needs
- Recognising that not all who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils will be in receipt of free school meals
- Allocating the Pupil Premium Grant to classes, groups or individuals identified as a priority.
Not all children who are eligible for the pupil premium grant will be in receipt of tailored interventions at any one time, but every student within the categories of vulnerability will have their needs and progress regularly evaluated by Senior Leadership.
In 2017 South Hunsley School were named as Regional Champions of the TES Pupil Premium Awards. Click here to read our 2017 Award Winning Pupil Premium Case Study.
Funding Allocation and Strategy Statement
For the academic year 2024-2025, the school expects a pupil premium grant of £178,500. Full detail of the use of this funding is given here: Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025.
School Leadership Planning
The Leadership Team plan a yearly intervention strategy based on available research as well as end of key stage results, progress between key stages and interim subject data collections. Full details of this strategy are available in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.
Targeted Academic Support
The largest single area of allocation of our pupil premium grant is on whole-school approaches to:
- staff professional development
- teaching, learning and assessment
- the improvement of literacy
- curriculum approaches that develop working memory for prior learning recall
The following is a brief summary of the further types of additional support that the school provides:
- Literacy and Numeracy Intervention programmes
- Reading and Speech and Language programmes
- Mentoring that aims to reduce persistent absence and increase engagement with core subjects
- Key Stage 4 support – lunch time and after-school classes, Saturday school and Easter boosters
- Intervention sessions for maths and English
- Extra training for classroom based assistants with a focus on dyslexia, phonics and reading programmes
- Homework clubs and lunch time drop-ins
- Rewards scheme and extra-curricular activities linked to improving attendance and attainment
- Named colleague for key-students with multiple social deprivation indicators
If you have any questions on our Pupil Premium Grant allocation or spending, please contact Barry Gray, Deputy Headteacher.